Hot Rod Heaven by Avoid Press
Digest size, 32 pages, black and white.
Great comics zine, jam packed with scratchy drawings, funny, strange and beautiful work congealed onto paper. This is the first I've heard of the mysterious artist behind this work (known as Avoid Press), but this is a welcome introduction to an artist with a new and specific voice.
Digest size, 32 pages, black and white.
Great comics zine, jam packed with scratchy drawings, funny, strange and beautiful work congealed onto paper. This is the first I've heard of the mysterious artist behind this work (known as Avoid Press), but this is a welcome introduction to an artist with a new and specific voice.
Digest size, 32 pages, black and white.
Great comics zine, jam packed with scratchy drawings, funny, strange and beautiful work congealed onto paper. This is the first I've heard of the mysterious artist behind this work (known as Avoid Press), but this is a welcome introduction to an artist with a new and specific voice.